Children, Young People and Families Involvement in Drug Development & Innovation

Paediatric Webinar


Event Webinar
Type Virtual Event
Language English
Date(s) 16 Dec. 2019
Time 17:00 - 18:00
Duration 1 hour

Clinical trials and innovation projects addressed to the paediatric population need to be patient centric in order to ensure that these initiatives fit their needs. The involvement of children, young people and caregivers is feasible along the lifecycle of research. However, ethical considerations, suitable methodologies and other features need to be considered in this process.

Easy to define after this introduction, the overall objective of this webinar is to emphasize on the specificities of children, young people and families involvement in clinical trials and innovation projects, ensuring an ethical and methodological approcah suitable for this vulnerable group of population from a practical perspective.
The European Young Persons Advisory Group Network (EYPAGnet) has considerable expertise in this field and support the needs of the different stakeholders to ensure the involvement of minors as advisors in their initiatives.

This webinar is designed to introduce the expertise and evidence-base of the network.


17:00 Introduction to the Webinar
Moderator(s): Kristina An Haack, Senior Medical Director, Sanofi
17:05 Keynote Speech
Begonya Nafria Escalera, Coordinator of Patient Engagement in Research at San Joan de Deu Children's Hospital (Spain), Coordinator of eYPAGnet
17:30 Presentation
Pamela Dicks, Manager at Scottish Children's Research Network
18:00 End of the Webinar