EU-X-CT Public Stakeholders' Forum 2024

Making cross-border access to clinical trials a reality


Event Workshop
Type Face To Face
Language English
Date(s) 12-04-2024
Day(s) 1 Day(s)
Duration 1 Days

The pan-European public-private EU-X-CT Initiative aims at facilitating cross-border access to clinical trials in concrete terms. We are collecting information on the regulatory, ethical, healthcare system and organizational conditions for the involved stakeholders, experiences and best practices in all European countries.  This Public Stakeholders' Forum will be the opportunity to jointly review the national conditions for patients, clinical investigators, academia/public funders and industry sponsors in need for cross-border participation of patients in clinical trials. The EU-X-CT gap analysis will be the basis for our panel and open forum discussions to come to conclusions about most efficient European and national strategies and activities for improvements in the near and mid-term future.


UPDATE Post-Event - List of Available Presentations

The Presentations below remains the property of their Original Authors.
Publication, dissemination, modification, sharing without references or commercial use of any of the Presentations available below, even partial or modified, is strictly forbidden without the authorisation of their Original Authors. Unless stated otherwise, the opinions and statements in the Presentations are personal, and are not the ones of EFGCP, the EU-X-CT Members or the Authors' Related Organisations. Presentations can be removed at any time, on request of their Original Owner or without justification.
  • The issues of cross-border access to clinical trials in Europe: The EU-X-CT gap analysis: View Presentation
  • Enabling cross-border access to Clinical Trial
    • PCM4EU and PRIME-ROSE - cross-border access to pragmatic precision medicine trials: View Presentation
    • Industry experience with Cross-Border Enrolment in Rare Diseases : View Presentation


With the Support of



Friday 12 April 2024
09:00 Registration and welcome coffee
Session 1: Where are we today?
10:00 Introduction to EU-X-CT
Welcome from EFGCP and EFPIA
Ingrid Klingmann, Pharmaplex, EFGCP
Susan Bhatti, Merck BV, Chair CREG (EFPIA)
Welcome from the academia members
Jacques Demotes Mainard, ECRIN
Welcome from the patient members
Lisbeth Snede, Patient Unite
10:20 Round table: Current experience with cross-border trial participation
Moderator(s): Lisbeth Snede, Patient Unite
Michel Zwaan, Prinses Máxima Centrum voor kinderoncologie BV
Violeta Astratinei, Melanoma Patient Network Europe
10:50 Keynote: Overcoming borders will make Europe a more attractive place for clinical trials
Elmar Nimmesgern, EU Commission DG R&I
11:20 The issues of cross-border access to clinical trials in Europe: The EU-X-CT gap analysis
Moderator(s): Susan Bhatti, Merck BV
Lisbeth Snede, Patient unite
Maja Pizevska, Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH)
Maren Koban, Merck Healthcare KGaA
12:20 Panel and Open Forum Discussion: • Is this picture accurate and comprehensive? • Where are the assessment gaps? • How to close them? • Which other EU partnerships suffer from the lack of cross-border access to clinical trials?
Moderator(s): Solange Corriol-Rohou, AstraZeneca
Elmar Nimmesgern, EU Commission DG R&I
Emilie Prazakova, Roche
Janek Kapper, Estonian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Society
Marianne Lunzer, AGES, CTCG co-chair
Michel Zwaan, Prinses Máxima Centrum voor kinderoncologie BV
Monique Al, CCMO, CTCG co-chair, MedEthicsEU co-chair
13:00 Lunch
Session 2: Where do we want to go?
14:00 Enabling cross-border access to Clinical Trial
Moderator(s): Sabine Kläger, ECRIN
Bettina Ryll, Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research
Joanna Sprague, ICON
14:30 The way forward: how do we make progress in cross-border access to Clinical Trials?
Moderator(s): Bettina Ryll, Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research
Begonya Nafria Escalera, Hospital San Juan de Déu, eYPAGnet
Elmar Nimmesgern, EU Commission DG R&I
Jacques Demotes Mainard, ECRIN
Marianne Lunzer, AGES, CTCG co-chair
Monique Al, CCMO, CTCG co-chair, MedEthicsEU co-chair
Susan Bhatti, Merck BV
15:30 Break
15:50 Open Forum Discussion: How can EU-X-CT achieve the most urgent goals and how to make them sustainable?
Moderator(s): Ingrid Klingmann, Pharmaplex, EFGCP Susan Bhatti, Merck BV
16:50 Conclusions and next steps
Moderator(s): Ingrid Klingmann, Pharmaplex, EFGCP
17:00 End of meeting